Earlier this year I met my good friends Cynthia and Anne-Murray in Oxford, Mississippi for the initiation of Anne-Murray's daughter, Mary Lant, into our sorority's chapter at the University of Mississippi. I had never visited the Ole Miss campus before and was completely ready to go back to college after spending a weekend there! The campus itself is beautiful, with gorgeous old buildings and lots of school spirit and tradition, and the town of Oxford is utterly charming, with an historic town square filled with darling shops and fabulous restaurants. We had a wonderful time and are plotting another weekend there soon!

Crossing the Mississippi River as I flew into Jackson. My friend Cynthia picked me up and the airport and we drove the 3 hours north to Oxford

Dinner at Bouré on the square

Mary Lant sporting the Lilly Pulitzer Chi Omega scarf that Cynthia and I brought her

The fabulous bakery where we ate breakfast both mornings we were in Oxford

Look at all of these wonderful pastries!

Luncheon in Mary Lant's honor on initiation day. These Mississippi girls know how to present a delicious and beautiful spread of food!

Darling Chi Omega cookies and cake

Mary Lant's dorm room. Isn't it precious?

The Square

Me, Anne-Murray, Mary Lant and Cynthia at the Chi Omega house for initiation

Initiation Luncheon at the house on Sunday

The parlor at the Chi Omega house

Mary Lant and Anne-Murray

"The Grove" on the Ole Miss campus. Anne-Murray tells me I need to come back and see the fabulous tailgating here before football games in the fall
Come for the Auburn game! We are getting 4 tents with several of our neighbors--you may have seen one of them at initiation! J3's on again, off again gf is also a Chi O and her younger sister was also initiated (I think I may have already told you that on facebook).
Since Auburn is sometimes known as MHS West, we should have a big crowd of HS friends and their parents, too....so the more, the merrier!
Fun indeed! I don't think I've ever seen such a lovely dorm room.
Love it! I am a Chi O (initiated Psi Gamma Chapter in 1990) from Mercer University in Macon, GA and U of Alabama. We love our baby owls! ;)
You are a wonderful friend! I am a Chi O too, sister!
How FUN Eloise! I know LOADS of current Chi O's at Ole Miss from Greystone. If ML is anything like them she must be a doll! What a fun trip!!
Chi O sister here, too! Upsilon beta Rollins College. Fun to see so many blogging friends sorority sisters. Sounds like a fun weekend.
My mother was a chi-o. I went to Trinity (in Texas) where only local sororities exist. It's a shame, I would have loved being a chi-o!!!
This was so fun! I loved your tour! I loved all of the pictures of you and and the girls! Mary-Lant is beautiful - love her precious dorm room. Annie is heading to Baylor next year - hard to believe! Again- thanks for sharing your fun weekend!
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