First view of the Tetons from my plane window

My girls on the plane. Vivian was perfect on the flight - hooray!

Will and his friend Page. Page's connecting flight from New Orleans was very late and she made it onto our plane just before they closed the doors. Another hooray!

Arriving in Jackson Hole, the world's most beautiful airport. This was taken right before a security person told me I needed to put away my phone and keep moving

Will and Page on my parents' front porch

My mom and Vivian (her namesake). Vivian has not figured out she is getting too big to sit in someone's lap

Will, Page and Dots relax on the sofa

The bear on the front porch watches over the pretty flowers and seems oblivious to the beautiful view of the Grand Tetons behind him

Going into town for some shopping and sightseeing (no one seems too pleased that I have posed them looking straight into the sun)

Dinner. No containers on the table - yay! (Vivian did GREAT eating at the table with us while we were in Wyoming, something she strongly resists at home)

We had a great time playing games at night. Page taught us a new game called Left Right Center that was a lot of fun

Since this was Page's first trip to Wyoming, my dad took her and Will on a day trip to Yellowstone. They left bright and early on a beautiful morning

Old Faithful (picture courtesy of Page)

Page and Will by Upper Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Meanwhile back in town, the girls, my mom and I went out to lunch

After the travelers returned from Yellowstone, Will took Vivian exploring in the backyard. They watched a neighbor's cat catch a little field mouse. This was highly distressing to Vivian, who kept fussing, "Yuck! The cat needs to spit out that mouse!"

Dots and Page had fun shooting a bow and arrow

Out for an al fresco dinner on a beautiful evening

Even Vivian enjoyed herself!
To be continued...