August 18, 1962, Vidalia Methodist Church, Vidalia, Georgia
**As one astute commenter noticed, I wore my mother's gown when I got married (see this post)
Back in November my parents had a party to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. A lot of family and friends flew in from around the country to attend, and we had a wonderful time that evening.

Family portrait taken before the party. Vivian cooperated for all of about 10 seconds before falling down and rolling on the ground. The photographer was able to get a picture of Vivian by herself later and photoshop it in!

Will with his cousins Matt, Jed and Henry

Will and Dots

Vivian and Robert (Vivian went back to my mom and dad's house after the picture - she can't handle being at a party with so many people - too much sensory overload for her)

Me with Will and Dots

My dad and mom

Anniversary cake and cupcakes with pictures and clippings from the wedding in the background

Dots, Will's friend Page, Will, my Aunts Nancy and Martha and me

My niece Guinn - she celebrated her 16th birthday the weekend of the party and my dad made a toast to her

Cousins out on the dance floor - the disc jockey played a lot of great music

My mom and her three sisters dancing to We are Family

My sister and me with our girl cousins. We had such a great time together that weekend!

Me with my Aunt Judy and Uncle Frank

Nine of our twelve cousins on my dad's side came in from the party from Georgia, Louisiana, Connecticut, Delaware and Texas

My dad with his two brothers (my Uncle Terry and Uncle Rod) and his sister (my Aunt Chris)

My sister and brother and I hosted a brunch at my brother and sister-in-law's house the next morning for all of the out-of-town family and friends (I use the term "I hosted" very loosely as I didn't do anything but allow my name to be on the invitation!)

Dots, Will and Page

Me with my cousins Susan, Wendy and Jenna

Vivian enjoying her fruit

Will and Dots with their cousin Mary Grace

Vivian and me
Congratulations to your parents on their anniversary!
What I love is seeing how you all are so supportive of Vivian. If she doesn't cooperate, you seem to just move on, get her what she needs, and enjoy the party! Refreshing!
My parents had their 50th about 3 years ago...it looks like you had a wonderful celebration! So glad Vivian could be a part of it...love that last photo of the two of you :)
I just LOVE your family!
Looks like a wonderful party and everyone was so happy to see each other.
I just LOVE your family!
Looks like a wonderful party and everyone was so happy to see each other.
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