We have just returned from a wonderful week in Hawaii. My mother joined us this year which was a special treat.
Vivian has been so sweet and compliant lately, and she did really well on our trip. She loved feeding the fish in the koi ponds around our resort, and while it was never her idea to get in the water, she had fun kicking her feet and splashing Robert and me. We had one dramatic moment when Vivian fell into the pool fully dressed (and was quickly retrieved as I was standing right next to her). The incident did not faze Vivian one bit, but I had to grab every towel within reach and wrap her up quickly because she started pulling at her shirt and pants saying, "I can't swim in my clothes, I have to swim in my bathing suit." We have had countless talks on "we don't take off our clothes until we are in our room," but the concept clearly has yet to take root.
Here are a few pictures from Hawaii. I'm ready to go back!

Shortly after our arrival. Vivian seemed pretty happy to be there but wanted no part of wearing her lei

View from our room

Dots brought along her hammock

Robert and Vivi in the pool

Two Vivians relaxing by the pool

Vivian, Robert and me in the lazy river - Vivian is giggling because she thinks she is splashing Robert with her kicks

Vivian going down a slide with Robert

Robert reading a book on his iPad

The beach

Katie and Dots at Happy Hour

Our dessert one night at dinner. This was incredible! It's coconut ice cream inside a chocolate shell coated in toasted coconut. It was as delicious as it was beautiful and creative

Vivian feeding the fish

Vivian would always say, "The fish are so happy now." I bet those fish miss Vivian!

Teenage girls by the pool {sigh}. Dots didn't know I was taking her picture - I think she was hiding from the sun

Heading to Lahaina

Annual kids picture by the banyan tree

A happy Vivian

Strolling in Lahaina - this was a pretty quick trip as Vivian's new stroller is too big and clunky to maneuver very easily in the tiny shops. Plus Vivian's tolerance of/interest in shopping is even less than Robert's and his is pretty close to nil

Mama's Fish House - on the north shore of Maui

View from our table at Mama's Fish House. We ate lunch there one day

Robert doing his best to keep Vivian entertained until our food arrived. When Vivian's lunch of baked fish, fresh fruit and rice was set in front of her, she said, "I don't like my food!" and started to push her stroller away from the table. Robert distracted her and prevented a majorly unattractive scene in an otherwise lovely restaurant, and within about 30 seconds Vivian was devouring her lunch. (Notice that Vivian is wearing a different shirt than she had on just an hour or so before in Lahaina. I found a whale t-shirt for her in a shop. I asked Vivian if she liked it, and before I even realized what was happening, she had taken off her other shirt (which I took to mean "yes"). Thank goodness there was no one else in the store!

Sunset from the lanai off our room

As I was enjoying a delicious lobster salad sandwich one afternoon at the Four Seasons, this egret walking on the hedge right by our table availed himself of the off-menu fresh gecko

Vivian (wearing the whale shirt again) relaxing by the pool. She would tell me, "Make my chair a bed!" and often fell asleep

View from my chair as I worked a crossword puzzle

Dots and Robert in a kayak

Looking out over the pool and beach from our hotel's restaurant

Hawaiian sunset on our last night (photo credit to Dots)

Meanwhile, guess who thought Gulf Shores, Alabama with college friends sounded like more fun than Hawaii with the family!
What fun! Thanks for sharing it!
I always love your Hawaii pictures. The beauty of the island and your sweet family just make me smile.
We are not going this year but it's on the calendar for next April. Where did you enjoy the delicious dessert? I need to add it to my list. I already have Mama's Fish House on the agenda. Aloha :)
Beautiful pictures! Dots is all grown up and so glad Vivian had a good ime- she looks so relaxed and happy!
I'm always ready to go back. And J2 has informed us that she plans to get married at the chapel there at the GW...in a few years. I've stayed at every hotel on that trail and at the Polo Beach condo 4x, but never at the GW. I'll have to get the scoop from you when the time comes!
Looks like a GREAT trip for all of you!!
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